Translated subtitles available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian and German. These subtitles are auto-generated.In this course, Denis will deliver three presentations discussing and defining the role of strength and power development within the context of a training system. In presentation one, he will provide a framework for strength and power development through a design process called movement based program design. In presentation two, Denis will define and categorize the most important strength qualities based on their distinct forms of adaptation. In presentation three, he will take a thorough journey through history to define and categorize the different forms of periodization. All three presentations work together to provide detailed program design recommendations and considerations for the Strength/Power training component.The strength/power practical will provide focused movement strategies broken into the following sections: (1) Upper Body Push, (2) Upper Body Pull, (3) Lower Body Push, (4) Lower Body Pull, and (5) Rotational Power/Stability. Specific emphasis will be placed on instruction, error identification, error correction, and cueing.*This course is also included in the Exos Performance Specialist CourseAvailable CEUs: ACSM 4