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Harnessing Female Physiology Bundle

Harnessing Female Physiology Bundle

This course bundle provides critical insights into two specialized areas: optimizing athletic performance in relation to the menstrual cycle and effectively navigating the challenges of menopause. It represents a significant step in understanding and applying physiological principles for enhancing performance.The first segment, "Optimizing Performance Through the Menstrual Cycle," explores under-researched aspects of reproductive physiology. It provides strategies for adapting training and nutrition to the menstrual cycle, ensuring optimal performance while avoiding issues like energy deficiency. Real-world case studies reinforce a practical, systems-based implementation.In the second segment, "Optimizing Performance Through Menopause," the focus shifts to demystifying menopause, an often stigmatized and misunderstood life stage. This course covers the onset, progression, and impact of menopause, offering strategies to support and empower individuals during this transition. It emphasizes tailored approaches to meet the changing needs during menopause, with an aim to maintain and enhance performance.Each course spans approximately 6 hours and includes comprehensive video content, case studies, and interviews, providing a holistic and actionable understanding of these topics.This educational journey equips learners to push performance boundaries, applying specialized knowledge in female reproductive health and physiology.

Product Bundle
$750 USD

Includes bundled products.

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XPS & XPS+: Complete Certification Bundle

XPS & XPS+: Complete Certification Bundle

Build a solid Coaching foundation by investing in this 1-2 punch. XPS, Exos Performance Specialist, will teach you the Xs and Os of programming, while XPS+: Unlock the Power of Coaching will teach you to deliver your programs for the best results. At Exos, we believe that understanding the science behind program creation is extremely important and should always be step 1 in your journey, But, if you stop there, you will never be as impactful as you could be when you unlock the power of Coaching. Read on for more details about each course and what youll learn as you make your way through 30+ hours of content! After successful completion, youll be XPS and XPS+ Certified, which will set you apart.

Product Bundle
$1,495 USD

Includes bundled products.

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Performance Training Bundle

Performance Training Bundle

What You'll Learn Help your athletes and clients reach their performance potential with the Exos Performance Training Bundle. This combination of courses is ideal for performance coaches, sports therapists, sport coaches and other practitioners working with athletes and high performers.This combination of courses provides a deeper look into the methodology and systems used by Exos to optimize the performance domains that are critical for peak performance. Each course delivers the science and evidence that support the Exos systems and combines it with a heavy focus on practical application, programming and coaching to allow you to ignite your knowledge and coaching skills.Begin with The 0.10 Second Difference course which will give you the tools you need to help athletes improve their linear speed. This course will focus on the science and application of elite linear speed development and Exos' time-tested drills and methodology that help athletes run faster. It also will provide you with the programming and coaching models for linear speed development, as well as, technical models for both acceleration and absolute speed.Next, build on speed programming with the Advanced Strength & Power Featuring Dan Baker course to learn the proven systems used to advance strength and power in athletes. This course takes complex topics and breaks them down for you with an application focus so you will have methods and tools that can be easily implemented within your training system. The ...

Product Bundle
$625 USD

Includes bundled products.

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