XPS & XPS+: Complete Certification Bundle


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$1,495 USD

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Build a solid Coaching foundation by investing in this 1-2 punch. XPS, Exos Performance Specialist, will teach you the Xs and Os of programming, while XPS+: Unlock the Power of Coaching will teach you to deliver your programs for the best results. At Exos, we believe that understanding the science behind program creation is extremely important and should always be step 1 in your journey, But, if you stop there, you will never be as impactful as you could be when you unlock the power of Coaching. Read on for more details about each course and what you’ll learn as you make your way through 30+ hours of content! After successful completion, you’ll be XPS and XPS+ Certified, which will set you apart.

Available Bundle Credits

ACSM 31.50
NASM 2.80

This Bundle Includes the Following Items

XPS+: Unlock the Power of Coaching
Exos Performance Specialist Course
XPS is based on the Exos Training System, which emphasizes the seamless integration of Mindset, Nutrition, Movement, and Recovery. This holistic approach assures that the athlete, client, or patient is empowered with individualized strategies on and off the training floor. Through an 8-component training system and a 4-component testing model, the Exos Performance Specialist Course brings to life a training system that can fit any population and environment. The Exos Performance Specialist Course curriculum contains 22 presentations, all of which emphasize a theoretical framework, a program design framework, and best practices around coaching. Not only will you learn the theory during our time together, but we also include14 practical sessions covering over 215 movements. Each practical is filmed from a coach’s perspective and emphasizes instruction, demonstration, error identification, correction, and specific cueing. Upon successful completion, you will be an Exos Performance Specialist and receive a certificate of completion. We look forward to you joining our team and our mission to upgrade lives. You can also move directly into Phase 2 of our 3-part onsite mentorship series.

XPS+, Exos Performance Specialist Plus, focuses solely on the pivotal role that coaching plays in supporting, engaging, and challenging your clients. With a systems-based approach, we'll guide you through effective relationship management strategies and the execution of coaching strategies. By the end of the course, you'll be equipped with the tools to assess and bridge any gaps in your in-person and virtual coaching process. Get ready to unleash your full potential as a coach and make a lasting impact on your clients' lives.

Some of what you will learn
What relationship management is & how it can positively impact your coaching
Relationship management: The foundation of any successful coaching relationship is a strong relationship between the coach and the member. Coaches need to be able to build rapport with their members, create a safe and supportive environment, and be able to listen actively and effectively.

How to help your clients set better goals that achieve results.
Goal setting: Coaches need to help their members to set clear, specific, and measurable goals. Goals should be challenging but achievable, and they should be aligned with the member's overall objectives.

How to improve your coaching conversations to best support your clients.
Coaching conversations: Coaching conversations are the heart of the coaching process. Coaches need to be able to ask powerful questions, listen actively, and provide feedback in a way that is constructive and supportive.

The best methods for holding your clients accountable.
Accountability: Coaches need to hold their members accountable for their goals. This can be done through regular check-ins, progress reports, and goal setting.

How and why you should leverage emotional intelligence in your coaching
The emotional intelligence framework is a tool that can help coaches to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of their members. Strengthen your Self-awareness, Self-management, Social awareness, and Relationship management.