MBSC Spring Seminar Home Study Course - Volume 2: Featuring Jake Tuura, Luka Hocevar, Cassie Day, Mike Boyle and The MBSC Staff

Online Course
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Our annual seminar is available as a home study course!

Featuring 8 Lectures from world-class fitness professionals on a variety of topics, including business, tendon and joint health, intakes and assets, cueing, training philosophy, and longevity, this home study course gives you the same experience as attending our seminar in person but from the comfort of your own home.

Featured Speakers:

  • Luka Hocevar
  • Jake Tuura
  • Cassie Day
  • Michael Boyle
  • Kevin Carr
  • Jess Tollman
  • Vinny Talluto
  • Dan McGinley

Each high-quality recording comes complete with lecture slides and 5 5-question mini quiz on each topic.

This home study course has been approved for CEUS from the following organizations:

  • NSCA: 1.0 CEUS
  • CFSC: 1.0 CEUs
  • *All MINI Quizzes must be completed for CEUS

Available Course Credits

CFSC 1.00

Learning Objectives

Featured Presenters:

Luka Hocevar

Presentation Topic: Content That Educates, Entertains, Positions, and SELLS

  • The 5 high-income skills that will stand the test of time.

  • How creating content will make you a better coach when you approach it the right way.

  • Why in person content is the missing link to growing your brick and mortar business.

  • The one thing you can do to put yourself ahead of 99% other coaches in your area.

  • The blueprint to create useful and valuable content for your audience that will help them and position you.

  • Which platforms to use, when, and how to make it work for you and your business.

  • How much time to spend on content when the most important part of what you do is coaching.

  • What NOT to do when it comes to content creation.

  • Why email is not dead and the reason you should be using it more.

  • My cheat sheet to write emails that will get opened every time.

  • The 6 phase story selling system, and other strategies you can apply today to get new clients from content.

  • How to structure and organize your content creation to be effective and efficient.

Jake Tuura:

Presentation Topic: “Tendons for Trainers”

Identifying tendon issues, what they like/dislike, loading strategies, a bit of science as to give reason to why issues come about and why training interventions could hurt or help.

Cassie Day:

Presentation Topic: Unveiling the Three Pillars of My Success Story (Self-Care, Company Culture, Community)

- Turning grief into strong leadership: the power of self-care

- The team behind the dream, how we built a strong team culture

- Beyond customers, strategies for building and retaining a loyal community

Michael Boyle:

Presentation Topic: "Start With Why-2024"

Why do we do what we do at MBSC? Why don't we do certain things? In the MBSC system, it's all about The Why.

As we learn, the "whys" may change, and, if they do, so do we.

Why do we foam roll? Is it controversial? Why are we still static stretching? Why don't we do crunches anymore?

The original Start With Why talk was 2015. Lets see what's changed in eight years.

Kevin Carr

Presentation Topic: "5 Fitness Facts That Could Save Your Life"

The Personal Trainer is the front-line health care practitioner.

As a coach, you have more contact and influence on the long-term health of your clients than any other medical professional.

So how can we look at our training as a means to improve both Life Span and Health Span?

How can we train to reduce heart disease and atherosclerosis?

How can training impact cancer risk?

What can we do from an exercise programming standpoint to reduce long-term disability and accidental falls?

How can we maintain our cognitive health as we grow older?

In this presentation, Kevin will go deep into the science and application of training to reduce disease and disability and, most importantly, give you practical training takeaways that you can immediately apply to your clients on Monday.

Dan McGinley

Presentation Topic: Training for Joint Health

Joint pain, such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, and bursitis, affects one in every five adults in the U.S.

Knowing how to preserve and improve your client's joint health is more important than ever.

In this talk, you’ll learn how the MBSC adult program trains joint health to keep our clients moving and feeling their best.

Jess Tollman

Presentation Topic: “Training the Brand New Client: A Coaching Approach”

Training someone brand new to the gym poses unique challenges. The gym can be an intimidating, overwhelming environment. Likewise, previously sedentary clients will likely lack body awareness and motor control.

As coaches, we can better serve brand new clients by utilizing both technique AND mindfulness in our coaching. We need to show clients not only the WHAT of movement, the desired body shapes, but also the HOW of movement, the intention and attention that allows them to achieve those shapes.

Clients who move with greater intent and awareness in the gym make more progress and have fewer setbacks. By blending technical and mindful coaching cues, we help our clients better internalize movement skills to become confident and competent movers for the long term.

Vinny Talluto

Presentation Topic: Client Intakes, Assessments & Programming

Discussing the essential elements of the intake process for new clients, an overview of our initial assessments, and how to incorporate all that information to build a training program.

Course Procedure

  1. Enroll in the course.
  2. View the course content.
  3. Take the test. (You must score 80% to pass. If you do not pass, you may retake the test.)
  4. Print your certificate of completion.

Course Content

Speaker Bios
5 Fitness Facts That Could Save Your Life
Content That Educates, Entertains, Positions, and SELLS
Training for Joint Health
Client Conversations and Assessments: The Blueprint To Programming For The Fitness Professional
Tendons for Trainers
Start With Why - 2024
How WE Built A Successful Training Business
An Integrated Coaching Approach: Blending Technical, Mindful, and Sensory Cues
Speaker Q & A
MBSC/NASM Completion Certificate
NSCA CEU Completion Certificate

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